The fact you are trying to encourage people to look at their life in a fuller context and to give meaning to life, I think that is really important. Because at the end of the day life is about people. To give to others, that's where the richness of life comes out when you get yourself involved. Not in other peoples business, but in other people. In helping to enrich other people's lives. It's really important.
You two bring out the stories, I guess no one else is doing that. I don't think... There isn't anyone around where that's their mission and their passion. I think that's real important. I think you guys are living examples of living your passion or what near and dear to your heart. You can actually do both. They are not mutually exclusive to have a business career, and doing what's right or what you feel is right for you life and I admire people who do that. Who practice sort of what they preach. I think that's what this show is about.

Gail Hannemann - CEO of the Girls Scout Council of Hawaii, First Lady of Honolulu

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