Testimonials |
If they're interested in a broader perspective in terms of the world; in terms of things that are changing the world; in terms of business; in terms of entrepreneurship; in terms of the technology; even if they don't want to get in, I think it's an area that's going to continue to grow and be very, very important here in Hawaii, in the mainland and throughout the world. So for self edification, I think there's wonderful value in listening to Greater Good TV and radio.
John Dean - Managing General Partner of Startup Capital Ventures, Tuputele Ventures, Entrepreneur's Foundation of Hawaii
My first thought was why does Evan want to have me on the radio and so he convinced me that there was something about what I'm doing that other people could benefit from hearing about. I think that people, I think you guys are great interviewers and you get at people's motivations as opposed to just facts.
John Bower - Co-founder and managing partner of Sennet Capital
Most knowledge, I believe, you can get it in reading a book, you can do all of these things, like leadership for instance. You can read the book, Steven Covey and all these different guys. They'll tell you how to do what you should do, but the greatest knowledge comes from listening, watching, seeing, and I think there's a message that will help people in their life or their business, but I'd say listen. You may be surprised what you hear, little nuggets.
Joe Rice - President and CEO of Mid-Pacific Institute